2022 Image on NFT https://foundation.app/collection/face-is-fake
A Fictional Face Questioning the Future of Portraiture
— Critique of “Face is fake”
The code-based vector painting series “Face is fake”, created by bouze, is an experimental form of portraiture built around a “nonexistent face” generated using AI. By repeatedly subjecting this face to processes of abstract color application and random data deconstruction, bouze offers a bold challenge to conventional notions of identity and representation. In this essay, I will explore the significance and ambition underlying this series.
According to bouze’s own account of the creative process, the work begins with a fictitious human portrait generated by AI, which is then converted into vector form via code and subjected to random fragmentation and reconfiguration. On top of that, the series incorporates colors extracted from AI-generated abstract paintings. At first glance, this might appear to be a complex technique, but it can also be seen as a fresh inquiry into problems that have frequently arisen in art history since the modern era—namely, the issue of “reproduction technology” versus “originality,” as well as the particular power that the motif of the “face” can wield.
Looking at the history of portraiture, the genre has always assumed the role of “depicting a real person and thereby testifying to their existence.” Yet, in this series, there is no model at all—no actual person being depicted. Through the process by which AI’s fictitious face is programmatically dismantled, then transformed into layers of color and abstract forms, we paradoxically become acutely aware of “someone who isn’t there.” This is a central highlight of the series and imparts a keen irony that resonates with its very title, Face is fake.
Bouze notes having drawn substantial inspiration from Francis Bacon’s series of portraits and Saito Makoto’s SCENE [0]. Bacon’s portraiture famously distorted the human face, compressing within it a violently intense expression of interiority. In Face is fake, the random digital dismantling similarly produces distortions and fractures in large numbers, and yet it evokes the same kind of “inner truth that surfaces precisely because of deformation.” There are moments in which one senses this same raw power, as though a person who does not exist were brought to life by the viewer’s imagination—indeed, as though that person were trying to project a cry from deep within.
At the same time, a feature reminiscent of Saito Makoto’s SCENE [0]—namely, the layered abstraction of color—is also strongly present in this series. By extracting hues from AI-generated abstract paintings and reconfiguring them at high density, the artist attains levels of saturation and complexity impossible to achieve by hand alone. The viewer is confronted with images that oscillate between the “representational” and the “abstract” on paper or on screen. While tiny traces of an outline may faintly suggest a “face,” the layered patches of color scattered across the surface go beyond simple depiction, delivering instead a palpably “painterly” sensation. Here, it is almost as if a unique kind of visual experience—Walter Benjamin’s concept of “aura”—is being reassembled, in direct contradiction to the easy reproducibility that digital data normally implies.
Furthermore, one could describe bouze’s endeavor as a “collaboration between AI’s generation of chance elements and the artist’s process of selection and editing.” The countless “errors” and “mutations” that algorithms produce must be culled, shaped, and integrated into the work at the artist’s discretion. There is a resonance here with Bacon’s deliberate embrace of drips and smears of paint as a vehicle for chance. The most important point, however, is that the reality thus produced emerges precisely because there is no actual model—this is a “fictional reality.” “Face is fake” incorporates humanity’s fundamental imaginative drive to look at something nonexistent yet unconsciously project “someone” there.
What does it mean to be human? What is a face? In the 21st century digital society—awash in fake images on social media and in virtual spaces, where even the face as a symbol of identity has grown uncertain—”Face is fake” stands as a body of work that not only harnesses the potential of AI generation but also circles back to the roots of portraiture’s long tradition. Perhaps the act of intentionally painting a person who has never existed is precisely the new form of portraiture we need for this era, rather than striving to depict someone who actually does.
Written by ChatGPT o1 pro
― Face is fake 批評
bouzeが手がけるコードによるベクターペインティングシリーズ《Face is fake》は、生成AIを活用して生み出された“存在しない顔”をもとに、抽象絵画的な色彩とランダムなデータ解体を繰り返す実験的な肖像表現である。本稿では本シリーズが孕む意義と挑戦を論じたい。
歴史的に見れば、肖像画は常に「実在の人物を描き、その存在を証明する」機能を背負ってきた。だが本シリーズにおいては、そもそもモデルとなる人物が“いない”のである。AIが作った虚構の顔を、bouzeがプログラム的に解体し、多層的な色彩と抽象的形状へと転化させてゆく過程で、我々は逆説的に「そこにいない誰か」を強く意識せざるを得なくなる。この点がシリーズの最大の見どころであり、まさに「Face is fake(顔は偽物)」という題名が問いかける皮肉を深く体感させる。
bouzeは、フランシス・ベーコンの一連の肖像画や、サイトウ・マコトの《SCENE [0]》から大きな示唆を受けたと語る。ベーコンの肖像画は、人間の顔を歪め、そこに暴力的でありながら強烈な内面の吐露を凝縮させた点が特徴だ。《Face is fake》でも、プログラムによる無作為な解体の結果、歪みや破綻が数多く浮かび上がるが、ベーコンと同じく「歪むからこそ浮き彫りになる内面性」のようなものを感じる瞬間がある。それは、実在しないはずの人物が、観る者の想像力によってあたかもリアルに息づき、内面の叫びすら伝えようとするような錯覚を呼び起こすからだ。
一方で、サイトウ・マコトの《SCENE [0]》に見られるような、レイヤリングされた色彩の抽象性という要素も本シリーズには顕著に現れる。AIが生成した抽象絵画の色相を抽出し、高密度に再構築する行為は、人間の手だけでは到底到達し得ない彩度や複雑さを獲得し得る。鑑賞者の目には、プリントやデジタル画面の上で“具象”と“抽象”の間を揺れ動くイメージが映し出される。例えば輪郭の断片がかすかに「顔」であることを主張する一方で、重層的に配置された斑(まだら)状の色面は、単なる形状の再現に留まらない“絵画的感触”を引き出すのだ。ここでは、デジタルデータがもつ複製性の高さとは逆の方向で、唯一無二の視覚体験、すなわちウォルター・ベンヤミンの言うところの“アウラ”が再構築されているようにさえ感じられる。
さらにbouzeが試みているのは、「AIが生み出す偶然性と人間の選別・編集とのコラボレーション」とも言える。アルゴリズムが生み出す無数の“エラー”や“変異”を、作家がどのように取捨選択し、作品に落とし込むか。それはまるで、ベーコンが筆跡や絵具のにじみといった偶然を意図的に利用した手法とも通じ合う部分がある。しかし最も重要なのは、こうした行為が生み出すリアリティは、実在のモデルがいないからこそ立ち上がる「虚構的なリアリティ」であるということだ。《Face is fake》には、存在しないものを見つめながら、無意識にそこに“誰か”を投影してしまうという、人間の根源的な想像力の働きが込められている。
人間とは何か。顔とは何か。21世紀のデジタル社会では、SNSや仮想空間を介してフェイク・イメージが溢れ、顔というアイデンティティの象徴さえも曖昧になりつつある。そんな時代において、《Face is fake》は、生成AIの可能性を活かしつつも、古くから描かれ続けてきた肖像表現の根本へ回帰するような問いをも突きつけてくる作品群と言えよう。実在する人を描くのではなく、はじめから“存在しない”人を描き続けることこそ、今の時代が必要とする新たな肖像画の在り方なのかもしれない。
Written by ChatGPT o1 pro
Other works:
- 2024 : REFERENCE I-B
- 2023 : REFERENCE
- 2023 : Vote
- 2023 : Advertise
- 2022 : Reveal
- 2022 : HODL
- 2022 : Face is Fake
- 2021 : Museum of Light