2022 NFT、Smart contract https://reveal.bouze.art/
“Reveal” is an NFT composed of four superimposed images. When you transfer this NFT to another wallet, the original remains in your possession, but its topmost image is “peeled away,” revealing the layer underneath. After three such transfers, all of the images are peeled off, culminating in the final image. Through this act of peeling, the work seeks to conjure an irreversible, bodily process akin to turning physical pages. Indeed, since the peeling occurs on the blockchain, once an image is removed, it cannot be restored, thus conveying a palpable sense of irreversibility despite taking place in a digital realm.
Furthermore, any peeled-away image is received in the new wallet as an NFT that likewise contains four layered images. In other words, the three NFTs obtained through three transfers can themselves each undergo three additional transfers, and so on, proliferating exponentially via ongoing chains of transfers. Thus, what begins as a single NFT branches outward through the act of peeling, accruing successive generations and continually transforming the overall shape of the work in a dynamic fashion.
Other works:
- 2024 : REFERENCE I-B
- 2023 : REFERENCE
- 2023 : Vote
- 2023 : Advertise
- 2022 : Reveal
- 2022 : HODL
- 2022 : Face is Fake
- 2021 : Museum of Light